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Quiz 7i - Autumn Management
This is a 12 question multiple choice quiz, select the correct answers!
What are the considerations regarding harvesting a summer crop?
- Can you sell it and is it a financially worth while venture?
- Will the colony be in a manageable temperament?
- Will there be enough stores left to sustain the colony right over winter?
- Will it be good enough quality to be of use?
If you harvest the summer crop, how can you ensure winter survival?
- By artificially feeding the colony up and providing supplementary feed.
- By wrapping the hive with insulation material to keep it warm.
- By pouring syrup feed directly on to the frames in the hive.
- By leaving syrup in open containers around the apiary to feed the bees.
How do you go about clearing a super of bees before removal?
- Remove the filled frames and brush the bees off to remove them.
- Smoke them out vigorously to clear the supers.
- Knock the super frames on the side of the hive to remove the bees.
- Use a clearer board the previous evening to allow the bees to escape but not return.
Is it necessary to clear one full super at a time?
- No, putting the clearer under the lower super you easily can clear a stack of two or three in one go.
- Yes, wait till each is bee-free before doing the next one.
- No, you can clear the whole hive of bees first before removing all the supers.
- Yes it causes less tress for the colony that way.
What are the main methods of extracting honey from the frames?
- You can only spin the honey out with a cetrifugal extractor.
- The main methods are spinning, pressing, and crushing.
- Crushing is the main method for extracting honey.
- The most common method of extraction is by pressing.
When and why should you decide what extraction method you will use?
- When you have all the frames ready to extract to save time.
- Before you remove the filled supers from the hive, and to be prepared.
- Earlier in the season when filling super frames with wired or unwired foundation.
- It doesn't reall y matter, you can decide at any time.
How do you prepare the filled supers ready for extracting honey?
- Clear them out with a hoover to ensure there are no bees left.
- Take all the frames out and lay them on there side.
- Keep them in cool environment to stop the honey running out.
- Gently warm the supers in a cabinet to 26C to lower the honey viscosity.
What are the dangers of overheating the honey in the supers?
- It will render the vitamins, antioxidants, probiotics, amino acids, minerals, and enzymes useless.
- There are none, it doesn't really make any difference to the honey.
- It might change th flavour of the honey a little bit.
- It will become difficult to extract from the frames.
How do you extract thixotropic honey from the filled frames?
- Use a liquidiser to mix it all up before putting it through a filter.
- Pre-heat it, use a special agitator to liquidise, and a press to extract.
- Cut it all out and vigorously heat it in a pot to liquidise before filtering.
- Use a heat gun on the frames to heat the honey to melting point.
What type of foundation should you use if you intend to spin extract?
- You can use any type of foundation, it does not matter.
- You should use unwired foundation as it is cheaper.
- Un-wired foundation is best, it can be easily melted down afterwards.
- Wired foundation has the strength to withstand the cetrifugal forces of spinning.
What benefit has the crushing method over pressing or spinning?
- It requires the least amount of equipment and expediture.
- It is the least messy of all the extraction methods.
- There are no paticular benefits over the other methods.
- it is the quickest method of extracting honey.
How does the crushing method of extraction work in practice?
- Crush the comb with a rolling pin to extract the honey.
- Pre-heat comb, thoroughly mash down, allow to drain through a filter or muslin.
- Crush the comb and squeaze it through a filter as quickly as possible.
- Cut the comb out and into a muslin, then squeze it to extract the honey.
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