Tropilaelaps - a mite, Tropilaelaps clareae & T. mercedesae, is a serious external parasite of the honeybee affecting both brood and adults. Its natural host is the Asian honeybee Apis dorsata which has evolved with the mite to develop a natural resistance. At the time of writing it has spread from its normal tropical / sub tropical regions in Asia and its exact geographical range is not known. It is entirely possible for Tropilaelaps to establish and survive in the UK, although the main limiting factor for the Tropilaelaps mite is its dependency on available brood on which to feed. Warmer areas in the south and east that may have brood throughout the year have the potential to become infected. Predicted changes in weather patterns and climate could increase the potential for spread and impact.
Note: As yet it has not been found in the UK although it is likely that it may find its way to our shores in a similar manner to the Varroa mite. Any suspected incidence should be reported without delay.
Image Courtesy The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), © Crown Copyright
Tropilaelaps (centre bottom) compared to Braula coeca (top), Varroa destructor (right), and Melittiphis alvearius (left).
Tropilaelaps clareae is a large (almost 1 mm in length), red-brown, elongated mite found on the combs or on adult bees. As shown in the image above the body of the Varroa mite (right) is wider than it is long and it moves slowly, whereas the body of Tropilaelaps (centre bottom) is elongated, with a heavily sclerotised holoventral or similar shield, and it is a fast - running mite. Both species of Tropilaelaps can easily be recognised and separated from the Varroa mite using a magnifying glass.
Colonies infested with Tropilaelaps mites will show similar damage to that of Varroa. High levels of brood mortality, irregular or poor brood patterns, patches of neglected brood, perforated cappings, reduction in adult bee lifespan are all characteristic. In severe infestations there can be so much dead brood as to cause noticeable smells. Surviving bees show signs of physical and physiological abnormalities such as shorter lifespans, shrunken or deformed wings and legs, and may be seen crawling at hive entrances - often a first sign of trouble.
Life Cycle -The colonising Tropilaelaps female (or females; as many as a dozen may occur within individual a single cells) places from one to four eggs on mature bee larvae shortly before the brood cell is capped. The drone brood is preferred by Tropilaelaps and may be almost 100% parasitised although both drone and worker brood can be affected. The mite progeny, usually one male and several females feed on and seriously damage the bee brood, however unlike the Varroa mite their mouth parts can not pierce the membranes of adult bees. Development of the mite requires about 1 week. The adults, including the original female, emerge with the adult bee and search for new hosts. The short life-cycle, as well as a very brief stay on adult bees, explains why populations of Tropilaelaps clareae increase faster than those of Varroa mites (by a factor of 25:1). When both T. clareae and Varroa destructor infest the same colony, the former may out-compete the Varroa mite. It has been reported that when both mite species are in the same cell, the reproduction of both mites declines.
Phoretic survival on bees is quite short (only 1-2 days) because Tropilaelaps cannot pierce the integument of adult bees. The phoretic time for Tropilaelaps spp. is important in understanding the life cycle, and recent research suggests the period can be as long as 5-10 days. Gravid female mites will die within 2 days unless they deposit their eggs. Infestation by Tropilaelaps causes the death of many bee larvae (up to 50%), resulting in an irregular brood pattern and of which the cadavers that may partially protrude from the cells. Many malformed bees occur, with distorted abdomens, stubby wings and deformed or missing legs. Some of the affected bees crawl at the hive entrance. In addition, perforated cappings are seen, the result of sanitation activities by the worker bees, which evict the infested bee pupae or young adults. Some infested colonies abscond, carrying the mites to a new location.
Use the same methods and procedures as testing for Varroa.
Monitoring - Vigilance is important with all honeybee diseases. Check all apiaries and colonies regularly for health and suspect any colonies that are not thriving where there is no already known reason. Colonies that are not performing well or die out should be examined thoroughly and sealed to prevent robbing and spread of any diseases present.
Once the mites have been detected the use of an open mesh Varroa floor can be used to determine natural mite drop. Regular examination of brood can also be used. Monitor more than 1 colony in the apiary to make sure you have a representative result. The benefits of monitoring are to show if your control methods are working. Bio-technical Controls Tropilaelaps can not feed on adult bees and more importantly can not survive without access to live brood, this is their weakness. Exploitation of brood-less periods, simulated or otherwise, will play a significant role in reducing mite population.
Open Mesh Floors - Mites cannot survive long without contact with their hosts. Mites falling or rubbed off comb fall through the mesh floors and out of the hive. Use of an Open Mesh Floor serves to stop these fallen mites re-entering the hive and reduces the overall mite population while also reducing debris on the hive floor, improving hive ventilation, and discouraging other pests such as wax moth. Note: While Open Mesh Floors are an integral part of Tropilaelaps management and can be used with a tray to measure mite drop, they are not sufficient on their own and must be used with other methods of mite control.
Comb Trapping - The queen is caged for 9 days on three combs in succession. These are left in the hive for a further 9 days to allow the mites to enter. The combs with the mites trapped in the sealed brood are removed and destroyed. To reuse the combs place them in a deep freeze for a couple of days to kill the brood and mites. Then uncap and wash the contents out of the cells.
Drone Brood Removal - Using sheets of drone foundation in the brood chamber or a super frame to allow drone comb to be drawn underneath it causing the queen to lay drone brood. This is more attractive to the mite and once capped can be removed and the contents disposed of. Like the method above there is a danger that if you are unable to remove the sealed comb and it hatches you will have increased the mite population rather than reduced it.
Hard Chemical Controls - Acaracides used for Varroa are likely to be as effective against Tropilaelaps. Currently there are no products specifically approved for the control of Tropilaelaps, should the mite appear in the UK emergency approval would be sought to approve the use of varroacides against Tropilaelaps. Check with your local beekeeping suppliers for up to date approved products.
Soft Chemical Controls - Check with your local beekeeping supplier for up to date approved products. Organic Acids (Not authorised in the UK) Formic Acid, Oxalic Acid and Lactic Acid have shown efficiencies of up to 90% but are best used in brood-less conditions as they can cause brood loss and even the loss of the queen. Essential Oils Controls (Not authorised in the UK) The effective chemical here is a terpene but is unreliable as a sole treatment and can be irritant.
Combination Therapy - Many of the methods described above can be used in conjunction with one another. Particularly using a bio-technical and chemical combination. Note: Great care must be taken if chemical treatments are combined as the combined effect may well be toxic.
Resistance - Resistance is when the mite will not respond to the treatment and is the beekeepers worst nightmare! To reduce the risk:
Integrated pest Management - This is a well tried, tested and recommended practice throughout agriculture and uses a variety of controls applied throughout the season. The benefits are:
Disease prevention is best practice, maintain good apiary housekeeping and bee husbandry:
Tropilaelaps mites are extremely mobile and will readily move from hive to hive through natural processes.
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Contact Iain Dewar for enquiries, suggestions, corrections and contributions for improving the notes. Always welcome!
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