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Quiz 3 - Bee Hives
This is a 12 question multiple choice quiz, select the correct answers!
In nature where would honeybees normally live?
- In a hole in the ground.
- Under garden huts and in compost heaps.
- In a hollow tree trunk, roofspace, or hole in a wall.
- In a nest hanging from a tree branch.
What are the most commonly used hives in the UK?
- Smith Hives and National Hives
- National hives and WBC hives
- Modified Dadant Hives and Skeps
- Langstroth Hives and Dadant Hives
What materials are hives made from today.
- Plastic and Soft Wood
- Red Cedar Wood or High Density Polystyrene.
- Soft Wood or High Density Plastic
- High Density Polystyrene or Oak.
Why is it important to keep all your hives the same type?
- It ensures that all components fit together correctly and the components are interchangeable.
- To ensure that your apiary looks consistently good.
- It doesn't really matter what different types you use.
- They are easier to paint if they are all the same.
from the ground up, what is the correct sequence of hive components?
- Stand, Brood Box, Queen Excluder, Honey Super, Roof.
- Floor, Stand, Brood Box, Honey Super, Queen Excluder, Roof.
- Stand, Floor, Brood Box, Honey Super, Queen Excluder, Crown Board, Roof.
- Stand, Floor, Brood Box, Queen Excluder, Honey Super, Crown Board, Roof.
Where does beeswax come from?
- Ther bees regurgitate it from their stomachs.
- Honeybees collect it from flowers.
- Honeybees secrete small wax scales from glands on their bodies.
- Honeybees make it from tree resin.
What do honeybees use beeswax for in the hive?
- Only for building wax comb to store honey in.
- Building wax comb for brood and stores, and brace comb for strengthening within the hive.
- Joining internal hive components together.
- To feed to larvae and young bees.
What do honeybees use propolis for?
- Feeding to larvae and young bees.
- Building comb from.
- Filling small gaps, strengthening in the hive, coating and sticking things together.
- Waterproofing the hive.
Define Beespace?
- The spaces between the bees when they are working.
- The size of the cells that contain brood and stores.
- A fixed dimension that bees create between hive components normally 4.5 and 8mm.
- The total internal volume of a complete hive.
What is foundation used for in the hive?
- Helping the bees join the frames together.
- Helping the bees build comb in the correct place within the hive.
- Create a warm environment within the hive.
- To give the bees somewhere to rest.
What is the correct procedure for filling frames with foundation?
- Only fill frames on very warm days when the foundation is soft.
- Only fill frames on very cold days when the foundation is brittle.
- Avoid very cold or very warm days, and handle the foundation carefully to avoid damage.
- Fill frames in direct sunlight to ensure correct fit.
What is the correct use of wired / unwired foundation?
- Wired foundation for brood frames only.
- Wired foundation for brood frames and for supers that are going to be spun extracted.
- Unwired foundation for brood frames and supers that are going to be spun extracted.
- Unwired foundation for brood frames and supers that are going to be crushed and filtered.
About the 'My Beekeeping Kit' website.
Contact Iain Dewar for enquiries, suggestions, corrections and contributions for improving the notes. Always welcome!
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