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Quiz 10 - Wasp Species
This is a 12 question multiple choice quiz, complete the statements!
What else besides wasps belong to the Aprocrta group of species?
- Hymenoptera distinguished by narrow waist, includes wasps, bees, ants
- Hymenoptera distinguished by striped bodies, includes wasps, bees, ants
- Hymenoptera distinguished by narrow legs, includes wasps, bees, butterflies.
- Hymenoptera distinguished by thick waist, includes wasps, house flies, ants.
Which wasp species is most roublesome around the apiary?
- The solitary wasp species are the worst offenders.
- The Vespoidea species are the most troublesome around the apiary
- The Pompilidea species are the most troublesome to beekeepers.
- The Eumeninea species are the morst troublesome to honeybees.
Wasps have a similar lifecycle to which other species of Hymenoptera?
- Honeybees, they are very similar in habit and behaviour.
- Cuckoo bees, they live in exactly the same manner are these.
- Bumble bees, they are very similar in their lifecycle.
- Their lifecucle is not similar to any other species.
What is the largest native Vespoidea that we find in the UK?
- The tree wasp is the biggest of the wasp species.
- Vespa germanica is the largest of the species.
- The European Hornet (Vespa crabro) is the largest of the species.
- Vespa vulgaris is the largesrt of the wasp species.
What is the latin name for our common wasp with the anchor marked face?
- Vespa sylvestris
- Vespa vulgaris
- Vespa crabro
- Vespa velutina nigrithorax
What materials do our common wasps make their nest from?
- Wax is used to contruct the comb structure.
- Wax flakes are glued together with saliva to make the nest.
- Wood fibre and saliva are used to contruct the nest.
- They collect and chew up old paper to make the nest.
What do wasps feed their young on when they hatch?
- They feed them on a mixture of honey and pollen.
- They feed them on regurgitated food scraps from the bin.
- They feed them on chewed up insects.
- They feed them on chewed up fruit and vegetables.
What type of wasps are the Pompilidea known as?
- These are the mining wasps living underground.
- These are the spider hunters, with long legs and big eyes.
- These are the cuckoo wasps, parasitising the social wasps.
- These are the potter and mason wasps, living in masonry.
Ichneumonoidea are what type of wasp species?
- These are the potter and mason wasps that dig into masonry.
- They are the sand and digger wasps, nesting inthe ground and soft banks.
- They are the parasitic wasps that paralise their prey with polydnaviruses.
- These are the spider hunnters that chase down and paralyze their prey.
Is the Giant Horntail (wood wasp) a tue wasp species?
- Yes, it is one of the largest of the Vespoidea species
- Yes, it is the largest and most aggressive of our native hornets.
- Yes, it is one of the lesser known social wasp species.
- No, it is a completely harmless sawfly (Urocerus gigas).
Hornet Robber Flies are imposters, but are capable of what?
- Living alongside other hornet species undetected.
- Building large nest structures inside wall cavities.
- Overcoming large prey such as bees, wasps, and beetles.
- Laying up the 1500 eggs per day in their hosts nests.
What do Sphecoidea stock their nest cells with?
- Nesting materials and chewed up fruit and vegetable matter.
- A good supply of fresh nectar and pollen.
- Paralyzed live flies, aphids or caterpillars to feed the hatching young.
- They stock them with eggs to be injected into prey species.
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